Fit is everything

By: Barry R. Cesafsky, FACHE

What most likely is the predictor of success? Success in life, in the next job, in a marriage, in reality any endeavor in life. At HealthSearch Partners, we believe the crucial aspect is “The Fit.”

Remember, as a child, when we attempted to put the wooden Playskool puzzles together. Each piece would only fit a certain way. When we learned what pieces fit where, we were successful, and we giggled with a
sense of pride. As grown-ups playing poker we long for a similar success. We attempt to fill that missing card to make the inside straight. To make a perfect fit.

As the leaders of your organization, you attempt to make sure that the right people are in the right position to ensure that your organization will thrive. That it will be successful and fulfill your mission to serve. A wise graduate school Professor once told me, “If you put a square peg in a round hole, you’ll have problems from day one.” Even the most skilled executive may not have the personal values to match the culture of your organization.

It is easy to compare job descriptions with resumes. The challenging part is matching culture to the individual.
First, you need to know your culture. You probably already know it and describe it when talking about your organization. Zero in on this and on the characteristics that are associated with the actions of others around you that reflect your culture. Focus on these qualities when evaluating a new executive. Remember, that fit is everything!

Barry Cesafsky is the Vice Chair of HealthSearch Partners. Having been in the executive search field for 30 years, Barry brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to each executive search assignment. He can be reached at or by calling (630) 645-6501.

HeathSearch Partners is most eager to assist you in finding the best candidate to fill your next leadership position. With a foundation of more than 100 years’ combined experience, HealthSearch principals are adept at matching leaders with clients. We focus on individuals whose skill-set and track record demonstrates performance in all areas of importance to healthcare organizations: high quality care, customer satisfaction, operational improvement and financial success. We understand what is necessary to determine “fit.”

We urge you to visit our website: and contact Barry or any of the principals to assist you in your next search needs.

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