Georgia Hospital Health Services endorses HealthSearch Partners’ executive search services for its 145 member hospitals.

Georgia Hospital Health Services (GHHS), the shared services subsidiary of the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) based in Atlanta, has agreed to endorse to its 145 member hospitals the executive search services of Dallas-based HealthSearch Partners.

In a letter to its members, GHA Executive Vice President of Business Operations Bill Wylie said, “GHHS enthusiastically endorses HealthSearch Partners (HSP) because its services complement the mission of GHA. As you are aware, Georgia is a very diverse state in population, geography, and community dynamics. Likewise, HSP has served a wide range of clients, having worked with hundreds of health care organizations in communities large and small in many states, including in Georgia.

“Kurt Mosley a long-time friend of GHHS and GHA members, is leading the health care association practice for HSP. In addition to individual search engagements, Mosley is available to speak to GHA members and their constituents. He has spoken to many GHA members in the past to high acclaim. His timely, insightful presentations target hot topics of great interest to Georgia hospitals.”

Ivan Bartolome, President and Chief Executive Officer of HSP said, “We are honored to receive the endorsement of Georgia Hospital Health Services to provide our executive search services to its members. This agreement continues our long tradition of serving the executive search needs of hospitals across Georgia.”